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What, really?

I had a conversation with our Youth Pastor, Kuya Eric, and some other youth in our church just after our youth activity ended. The funny thing is, the conversation was about what matters most in relationships. I do have someone special right now and he lives in our province while I study in the city. We basically see each other only on saturdays and sundays and we feel having a kinda long distance relationship. That is why this topic was brought up. Today, I invited my guy bestfriend to come over and join in our fellowship which gave a little awkward feeling for my friends in church since "he" was there too.

Pastor Eric, (wait. I not used to call him that lol) actually have a girlfriend who is currently in a place far fro our church. She lives somewhere in the northern part and we're somewhat down here. lol so they meet each other for a week every month, making us ask if it isn't hard for them, and he admitted that it is. And so the topic was change from their love story to "our" love story.

I posted something about my guy best friend here on my blog about a year ago, and it was really great to see how things remained the way they are. We've been best friends for 2 years now, and I really think I am so blessed to have a guy friend like him though "he" didn't really liked the idea of me, having a guy bestfriend. You know, guys. Anyway, Kuya Eric started to compare "him" and Van: with the things they have, the life, and the looks. Though I know everything was a joke, it made "him" worry a little and think so much about how "right" Kuya Eric words are.

For me, worldly things we posses doesn't really matter when you love someone. It doesn't matter how much your phone costs, or the clothes you wear, nor how long you've known each other. It's about the "ZING." When you love someone, distance should never be a reason for you to fall out of love, nor life status should be a boundary. As long as you love each other, you should work hard to make the relationship last and make it perfect.


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