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Uncontrollably Fond Drama Review

Hello, everyone! I really apologize for not being able to post for a very long time. I have really been busy in life and so many things. I will try to post as often as I could from now on. Hehe! 

Now, I know most of my posts here are about drama reviews, and to tell you honestly, there are a lot of drama reviews I'd like to share with you, my dear readers. So I'll go with one of the most tragic drama I have watched, Uncontrollably Fond. 

The drama was aired by KBS2 at 21:55 from July 6- September 8 every Wednesdays and Thursdays. While this show was aired, I was actually working (which I will blog about soon), and during the air of the show, I was patiently waiting for every episodes every week. Sadly, the drama was not gladly received by local viewers, which I really find really odd because for me, it was such a great drama, but nonetheless, it was widely and well-received across the globe.

It was starred by Suzy Bae (Noh Eul) and Kim Woo Bin (Shin Joon Young). It was a story of a twisted relationship and fate between the main characters.

They were highschool lovers who were separated due to a very twisted tragedy.
Noh Eul's father was a victim of hit and run and later on died. Joon Young, who was then raised by his mother, then learned that his father is one of the best prosecutor in town, which made him want to become a prosecutor himself to finally meet and introduce himself as his son. While Noh Eul was busy finding justice for her deceased father, Joon young later on learned that his father covered the case of Noh Eul's father due to  gratitude with the real culprit. Joon Young, though feeling remorseful, finds all the evidences regarding the case and planned to give it to Noh Eul. But blood had always been thicker than water, so when Noh Eul was about to surrender the evidences,, Joon Young pretended to be a thief and snatched away Noh Eul's bag, which caused a car accident and lead a nearly-death experience for Noh Eul. With regret and guilt, Joon Young prayed that God can take away his life in exchange for Noh Eul's. 

Image result for uncontrollably fondImage result for uncontrollably fond

Noh Eul and Shin Joon Young finally met again, few years after the incident. By that time, Noh Eul was very close with a guy whom she calls "ahjusshi". Little that she knows that the person whom she was relying on the whole time was the son of the prosecutor who covered her father's case. Joon Young and Noh Eul's love started once again but things are harder than they seemed to be. there are a lot of twists and turns. In the end, the accused was freed, the real culprit was arrested, Noh Eul forgave Joon Young's father and Joon young, rested in Noh Eul's arms. Though Joon young was not able to live a 'happily-ever-after' with his beloved Noh Eul, we all know that he was able to give her the greatest gift: his love. 

Image result for uncontrollably fondImage result for uncontrollably fondImage result for uncontrollably fond episode 20Related image

Not to mention, I love how Noh Jik and Haru's love story created a cute atmosphere in this drama. Sadly, due to the complication of their relationship, they had to break up. ( sad face)

Image result for noh jik and haru

Image result for noh jik and haru

What hit me the most in this drama was when Joon young prayed hard for Noh Eul to be alive when she had her car accident: He prayed that he was willing to trade his life just for Noh Eul to be alive. God did grant his wish, Noh Eul was saved, but in exchange, God took his life. It maybe a 'be careful what you wish for' but it was a perfect picture of Joon Young's love for Noh Eul. Though it was a regretful waste that he died in the end, it was a depiction of great and undying love. 

The big twists in every episodes caught me the most. The big revelations, the mini heart attacks, the overflowing happiness and the tragic sadness the drama has brought to it's viewers. I swear, there was no episode where I didn't cry. I hate how this drama would turn you into a very hopeful person to a very hopeless one. It's one of the dramas that has left a scar in my heart forever. 

Honestly, It's so hard to tell the whole story in the blog because there is so much to say and it might take me a whole day to finish a very long review for this drama. It has been, so far, one of the most heartbreaking dramas I have ever watched and I would advise you to watch it too! Just prepare atleast 3 boxes of tissues! There are a lot more that you will see than reading this review so, go and cry to your heart's content after watching this drama. 

It hurts to know, that after this drama was aired, Woo Bin was diagnosed with real cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer. Though our oppa has already started his treatment, still praying that everything will turn out well and that he may be able to go back to acting after a complete healing!

Until our next drama! ♥


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